
Photo from Photos for Class

Recently in Language arts, we had to write a blog post (this post) about what we did, or what we are doing in our science class. Unlike most, I wrote about our first unit. Enjoy!

For our first unit in science, we studied Electricity. The project for this was to make an electric house. I was partnered with Nate Zaytezva, and Allison Prebble, some of my classmates. Our house was sort of a “meme” house. That was the theme of the house. We took a box and folded it to look like a square house. We took motors, lights, and more, to make different light fixtures, fans, and different electrical stuff inside the house. Inside for the actual decor, we used pictures, and doll furniture to make the inside personalized, but that was not the point of this project. The point was to learn how electricity works. There are many different ways we as humans use electricity every day. Microwaves, ovens, lights, fans, iPads, computers: these are just some examples of things that use electricity. And some cars even run on electricity, rather than gasoline. Some other uses of electricity are for air conditioning, music, power lines, and more. What I really loved about this unit was that we got to do what we wanted with our houses, but we still followed a curriculum, like we had to have two of this one thing, three of this one thing, decor, and all that stuff. But most importantly, before we even started making the electric house, we made a plan for our circuits, lights, and motors. What I took away from doing this is how to cut a wire safely, yea, bland right, but there is a very easy to mess up way to do it. Thanks for reading!